Brand Ambassadors - Hosts & Hostesses - Servers - Promotional Staff - Event Staffing - Specialty Talent


The Pink Light Agency is a national model, talent and event staffing agency, specialized in brand ambassadors, promotional models and event staffing. Since 2006, hundreds of companies have trusted The Pink Light Agency to provide professional, intelligent and experienced event staffing to represent their companies. With talent in all major cities across the country, no event is too large or small.

As a boutique agency, The Pink Light is able to offer each client attentive and individualized service, while identifying your specific needs and working hard to provide only the best staffing. We are highly selective with the talent we represent, focusing more on quality to ensure only the best staffing for your exhibit booth.

In addition to providing event staffing, The Pink Light Agency can also provide specialty talent (DJs, makeup artists, performing artists, etc.), event production, execution management and more. Contact us today for more information, or to book staffing for your next event!

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Request Information Below:

Event Staffing Agency
Brand Ambassadors

Small + large scale capabilities

Promotional Models
Promotional Models

Experiential + promo events

Event Staffing Agency
The Best In Event Staffing

Launches, in-store events + more

Modeling Agencies in Dallas
Actors & Artists

Actors, dancers + creative services

Washington DC Modeling Agencies
Print Models

Faces for advertising + print

Dallas modeling agencies
Runway & Fashion Show

Casting and show coordination

Trade Show Models
Trade Show Models

Professional, quality booth staffing

The Pink Light Model & Talent Agency
A Leading National Agency

Models, talent + staff nationwide

Talent Agency
Casting Services

Male models, multicultural + more